Tributary Committee

Improving and Protecting the

Chicago River for Our Generation

November and December Events

Thursday November 8 - Winter Fundraiser meeting, Northern Trust Company.  RSVP to tributary committee by November 7.

Tuesday, November 13 - Join Louise at 8pm for Trivia night at Theory (9 W. Hubbard) in River North before the holiday season starts up, please RSVP to the Facebook event coming soon so we know how many to expect.

Saturday, November 17 – Inspire 2018 Auxiliary Board Summit hosted by All A-Board Alliance (cost is $50/person) register here.

Thursday December 13 - General meeting. Location to be announced

About the Tributary Committee

We are a group of energized Emerging Leaders committed to helping make the Chicago River one of the greatest rivers in the world!

 All Tributary Committee members will:

  • Join at the Black-Crowned Night Heron Level ($156 total/$13 per monthly option/$1 for each mile of the river)—join here
  • Commit to raise $500 each year in cash or in-kind donations (includes membership)
  • Commit to one volunteer event a year
  • Assist with two fundraising events each year
  • Attend quarterly Tributary Committee meetings
  • Have the opportunity to join a variety of sub-committees
  • Have access to networking events with other Tributary Committee members and Friends’ Board of Directors
  • Have access to opportunities to learn about ecology, history, and planning of the Chicago River system 

Send a statement of interest to

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