Seed Cleaning a Good Excuse for a Garage Party
Garages are THE place where the outdoors meets the indoors. Perfect for a seed party!
Continue Reading »Garages are THE place where the outdoors meets the indoors. Perfect for a seed party!
Continue Reading »A handful of concerned folks sparked a change in the way we see and treat the Chicago River.
Continue Reading »Overflow Action Day techniques, stormwater improvement, green infrastructure part of plan.
Continue Reading »Parson was cited for his "dedication to environmental stewardship and assistance to his community."
Continue Reading »While the river has improved dramatically over the nearly 40 years since Friends of the Chicago River was founded, there is still more work to be done.
Continue Reading »The newly released National Climate Assessment produced by federal researchers includes forecasts for heavier rains which can adversely affect the Chicago River system.
Continue Reading »"Yet another example the invaluable resources the Chicago River provides to our residents," said Mayor Rahm Emanuel.
Continue Reading »Goal is to restore natural infiltration, improve wildlife habitat.
Continue Reading »MWRD vote "puts the interests of a private developer above those of the environment," says Friends of the Chicago River Executive Director Margaret Frisbie.
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