Trump Tower Lawsuit: Vice News Report
Vice Nightly News, airing on HBO, recently filed a report on our legal action against the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago for violations of the federal Clean Water Act.
Continue Reading »Vice Nightly News, airing on HBO, recently filed a report on our legal action against the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago for violations of the federal Clean Water Act.
Continue Reading »Looking for trash on the North Shore Channel.
Continue Reading »#GivingTuesday is an annual event geared towards supporting non-profits.
Continue Reading »The 2nd annual free fishing event on the Chicago Riverwalk attracted hundreds of folks.
Continue Reading »Friends Executive Director Margaret Frisbie talks history, pollution, swimming and the future of the Chicago River.
Continue Reading »“The amount of passion and energy for this organization is amazing,” said Friends Executive Director Margaret Frisbie.
Continue Reading »Friends of the Chicago River Executive Director Margaret Frisbie calls new vessel the latest way for people to get close to the river.
Continue Reading »Friends urges rejection of easment through golf course.
Continue Reading »Friends of the Chicago River has teamed with the Cook County Forest Preserves to clear turtle nesting areas; electronic devices help follow their moves.
Continue Reading »Ever wonder about fishing? Join us for an introductory lesson at the Chicago Fishes event October 19.
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